Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Day Without a Mexican

In 2004, a humorous film commenting on the cultural impact of Mexican immigration was released. Although the film is not a "serious" production, as it pokes fun of the situation instead of providing a real fix, it makes a clear statement that Mexican immigrants are a vital, necessary part of our lives as well as our economy.

Some people resent the influx of Mexicans into our country; however, these people have not considered life without the very group they despise. Our culture is constantly being shaped by immigrants groups: Mexican fast food and popularity of learning Spanish are only a few indications of Hispanic culture becoming intertwined with "American" culture. But of course, American culture is defined by the immigrant cultures that have created it over years and generations. Food for thought.

1 comment:

immigrationreform said...

Check out my new documentary... it's called THE OTHER SIDE OF IMMIGRATION.
